
Experimental Writing

It seems that a number of students in our film class are choosing to blog for their final project. Awesome. I, myself, do not blog. But maybe I do now. If this counts. Which I'm not sure it does. Anyway, it seemed to me that perhaps a convenient way of linking us all together would be to have an all-class blog that provided the links to everyone else's. I'll list those in the sidebar to the right as I get them. I think it's important that we interact with one another's blogs, even if you've elected to do another type of final project. After all, the whole purpose of posting one's thoughts online is to make them available to a larger audience--an audience that reads AND responds to our ideas. A truly democratic medium and all of that...

Also, if you'd like to extend class discussions here, that could be another use for this. It would also be way cooler than WebCT, and feel less like homework and more like mindless internet time-suckage. Which is awesome. So, anyone want to keep talking about Bottlerocket? Or genre? Or the gender in film? Let's do it here. Or not. Whatever.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No Bottle Rocket, please!!!