

10. an ode to the movies made in my favorite texas city. the one i'm most proud of? toss up between the chainsaw massacre and varsity blues...that's what i call texas culture.

9. the best music to movie crossover...oh wait this is never a good idea

8. best tv to movie crossover . or the most tragic one depending on whether you loved her television work?

7. all jane austen adaptations cause the only thing better then reading austen is watching austen. how many authors can you say that about?

6. 1/2 of wes anderson's work (the first half in case you're wondering)

5. batman begins ( i think this blog is actually a poorly concealed ode to that movie)

4. every critic that's ever written something amazing. lane, thomson, scott, dargis, turan, chocano, and zacarek.

3. bars that play movies on a giant screen.

2. anyone i've ever talked movies with.

1. 25 years of life - 7 (years when i wasn't watching movies due to time devoted to developing brain--i.e. reading, writing, hand-eye coordination, etc. and living in a country w/ access to only french and arabic stuff) = 19 years of movies. best.years.ever.


....and counting

19. the 400 blows/my obsession with French new wave (which only lasted as far as Truffaut). this was a seriously great simple movie, which even my dad who has no patience (a.k.a. falls asleep in movies at a rate faster then even me) liked.

18. my own brief attempt at movie making, in which i learned no editing equipment/knowledge of editing means no movie will be made.

17. during a particularly dry fund summer i (and others who will remain nameless) was desperate for the movies and tried to swing the kid ticket, which really should've worked given how young i'm often mistaken for being. it didn't work and yes we were ashamed.

16. the metacritic stinker alert--this list is pretty revolting

15. discovering that jlo and mm are perfectly suited for a romantic comedy together...they have never made anything as good as this and they never will....

14. trailers (i defer to apple on this)

13. a movie so bad i actually walked out of the theater--gattaca. also, you have to love something that can provoke that serious a reaction out of you.

12. my own special day of torture as an extra in a movie...i was promised a SAG card, i swear.

11. SXSW the hippest festival for movies cause they're not front and center.

10 more to go...


To the quarter life....

Since my mind has turned to the number 25 this week I've decided to devote this week to 25 reasons that movies have thrilled this 25 year old's heart. Also, let's see how many times I can throw 25 into every post...maybe all the repeitition will help my weak memory realize that I'm getting older.

25. Netflix--cause what's better for a lazy person then getting movies delivered to your door?

24. Quoting lines--yep, it's social insiderism at its worse. people quoting without reference and expecting a reaction (often the next line in the movie, but sometimes a laugh will suffice) because they get cultural moments. guilty.

23. snickering my way through Titanic, and my first realization that Hollywood romances are weak. sidebar--whose genius idea was it to get James Cameron to direct one? i don't remember many tender moments from T1.

22. seeing the English Patient at 15, and being firmly convinced that not only was this a clear sign of my sophisticated taste as none of my friends had seen it, but also getting the thrill of sneaking into an R rated movie.

21. the failed triple feature...one night...three movies...two of them were bad and sustenance was low by the third one. this one's really a testament to my friend A and I who were intrepid enough to try, though failing and literally falling asleep on different rows by midnight.

20. going to MGM studios when i was 13 and learning that they made fire with sheets and fans--way too much for my formative mind to handle.

okay, i'm running out of time today but more to come.


A movie about my life...in three parts.

So, maybe it would start with this old gem...then progress onwards to my current state best summed up by this with an even more current dose of this brilliant obsession, and finally end on this charming note.

Yes, that's right...if you follow this thread of logic I somehow made the transition from young innocent child to dissolusioned homeless twenty-something with a leg injury that involves self-medication and denial, and all of this will end with animal entrails flying all over the place as I attempt to preserve sanity.

Proof that art mimics life?