
....and counting

19. the 400 blows/my obsession with French new wave (which only lasted as far as Truffaut). this was a seriously great simple movie, which even my dad who has no patience (a.k.a. falls asleep in movies at a rate faster then even me) liked.

18. my own brief attempt at movie making, in which i learned no editing equipment/knowledge of editing means no movie will be made.

17. during a particularly dry fund summer i (and others who will remain nameless) was desperate for the movies and tried to swing the kid ticket, which really should've worked given how young i'm often mistaken for being. it didn't work and yes we were ashamed.

16. the metacritic stinker alert--this list is pretty revolting

15. discovering that jlo and mm are perfectly suited for a romantic comedy together...they have never made anything as good as this and they never will....

14. trailers (i defer to apple on this)

13. a movie so bad i actually walked out of the theater--gattaca. also, you have to love something that can provoke that serious a reaction out of you.

12. my own special day of torture as an extra in a movie...i was promised a SAG card, i swear.

11. SXSW the hippest festival for movies cause they're not front and center.

10 more to go...

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