Okay, so I'm not diagnosing it as an official problem yet but I haven't seen a movie in months. Well, that's not exactly true because I did recently attend a MAJOR movie event (soon to be blooged about), but it was an anomaly in an otherwise dry period for me. So, naturally being the curious person that I am I have to ask myself why? Why would a person who loves movies stay away from them for the last few months? It's not even like it's the summer blockbuster season. There are actually good, even great things out right now and I just haven't been motivated to see them.
Even more strange I find myself not wanting to see the movies that people rave about/I'm confident will be good. Exhibit A--Little Miss Sunshine, a movie that had quality entertainment written all over it. The trailer looked great, it had a great cast, and everyone I know who saw it said it was good, but the more I heard about it the less I wanted to see it. Now, I chalk some of this up to a general desire right now to be perverse, but I think there is a deeper reason for my lack of movie interest. Part of it is my larger commitment to television right now (I feel like the big networks have rolled out one of the best seasons ever content-wise) and the other part of it is a growing fear that every movie I want to see won't really be satisfying.
Exhibit B--The Science of Sleep, a movie I've been reading tons about and whose director I adore. So, why haven't I seen it yet despite the fact it's playing roughly 1/4 mile away from where I am right now? The answer is as simple as it is silly: The longer I go without seeing a movie the more fear I have about the one that will break the spell. Will it be good enough? Will it entertain? Will it re-energize my love for movies?
Well, you can see the conondrum here...and I suspect there is only way to solve this one. Tomorrow I'm going to the movies, and hopefully I'm going to laugh, cry, and fall in love with them all over again.
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