The three best movies of '06/'07 depending on the movie sophistication/distribution factor of your city? Volver, Babel, and Pan's Labyrinth. Okay, so I haven't seen the last one yet. Turns out my city is about a 5 on the movie rube/sophistication factor scale. Doesn't matter--all my instincts tell me (and by instincts I mean watching the trailer one too many times) it's going to be awesome. If you don't believe me check out what the NYT's carpetbagger blog has to say about it. For those of you too lazy to follow the link it says said movies are awesome.
P.S. Any guesses as to what this is a picture of?
1. I have no idea what that creature from Pan's Labyrinth is.
2. You cheated--you just looked at the Carpet Bagger and swapped Cuaron for del Toro.
3. You are right about everything. That said, I haven't seen Volver or Pan's Labyrinth.
4. Does this mean Dream Girls is out?
well, can i help it if the carpetbagger and i are on the same mental wavelength? also, DG is out based on the fact that i snoozed through the first twenty minutes or so.
I enjoyed the acting performances for the most part, and the violence was wonderfully graphic and gruesome, but the storyline was rather predictable once you sat down. I'm sure by now you've enjoyed it at Amherst Cinemas, but if you haven't, eh, should be better on DVD.
Just saw Pan's Labyrinth last night. Brett, I agree with you that when you strip away the fantasy, gore, and visuals, that the skeleton plot isn't anything new. But WHAT fantasy, gore, and visuals. I guess the plot is less of a deal-breaker for me. I really appreciate fantasy that is neither targeted at children nor unquestioningly accepting of good/evil dichotomies. I was genuinely frightened by the faun, and he was a good guy. The captain was definitely a two-dimensional twirling mustache, but I enjoyed the dark, sinister nature of Ofelia’s quests and her ultimate goal of reaching the underworld. I mean, strange goal for a little girl, no?
The cinematography was also impeccable. In particular, I found the use of light extremely effective: the way the insects in the forest were illuminated by the sunlight really evoked magic without the necessity of cg. Overall, I was impressed that it was possible to show a fairy tale that wasn't cartoonish.
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