Film makers are constantly looking for new ideas, new inspirations, and new ways of telling stories. I admire that. I think that's what keeps the industry from completely burying the art. But am I the only one that's totally bored with comic book movies?
Overwhelming numbers or not, the Persians
got nuthin' on the abs of Sparta.Now, before you chastise and berate me, yeah, I get it, it's a
graphic novel. Yeah, I know this is a sophisticated, adult genre that isn't accurately conveyed with the childish connotations of
comic book. But whether it's Frank Miller or Stan Lee, I'm just not that excited about it any more. I guess this is what happened when Hollywood ran out of Henry James and Jane Austen novels to adapt. Or in slightly less literary terms, the comic book bananza also reminds me of the '90s disaster films:
Twister and
Independence Day were pretty entertaining, but by the time we got to Brosnan's
Dante's Peak and Stallone's
Daylight, the fad had run its course. So don't get me wrong on the comic book thing: it's not that I universally dislike the genre. I really liked the first
Spiderman. The
X-Men films where really fanastic until they got Ratnered. But how long before this trend of comic book adaptations gets old? If you ask me, it was yesterday.
I admit that I haven't seen
Sin City, and I'm not going to see
300, so I'm not saying these are bad movies. Clearly I have no idea. The point I'm making is that the very
concept of these movies is so boring to me that I'm in no way moved to check them out. I'm sure that the films are really well done and have a fantastic appeal to certain audiences, but I guess that I'm offended at the idea that a little computer graphics and some fiddling with the negatives makes it "new". I dislike films that sell themselves as all style, whether or not (and it's usually not) that's all they actually are. We're hip, graphic novels are hip, come be hip with us. I'm just over it.