So, what is this certain thing I did you ask? The mission if I chose to accept it: Make the most out of my Blockbuster movie mailing service. Two weeks, endless titles, and to sweeten the deal I could rent in store, a mere two blocks from my apartment.
The result? Pure movie magic. If I could queue triumphant music and an "emotional" sunset right now I would. Here are the results for your reading pleasure.
The result? Pure movie magic. If I could queue triumphant music and an "emotional" sunset right now I would. Here are the results for your reading pleasure.
- Quinceañera--Somewhat mediocre film with a thin plot and even thinner writing to go with it. It is saved by a good cast, and phenomenal shots of Echo Park. In fact, the subplot of gentrification in L.A. was much more interesting, and seemingly more important to the filmmakers given the care with which it was shot.
- Half Nelson--Brilliant all around here. Goslin and Shareeka Epps gave tight focused performances, and this movie manages to slip out of clichés that the teacher-student relationship could've easily fostered. The bonus--a really great soundtrack.
- The Office Christmas Special--So, technically this is tv but since it's epic in scope and influence, and I hadn't seen it yet I added it to the list. What can I say about this that hasn't already been said? Yeah, I got nothing.
- Tsotsi--Not too impressed with this film although the central character had some flair and thoughtfulness to him. On the whole though the plot suffers from stock figures and too simple a glimpse into gangster life. It has all been done before and more interestingly.
- The Departed--Hugely entertaining. That's about the best and most adequate description I have for this movie. I'm not so bitter that it won Best Picture although it is in NO way a thinking person's film.
- Pan's Labyrinth--This wasn't a rental, but since it was part of my movie fest I thought I would include it on the list. This is really careful precise moviemaking at its best. I really like how fantasy and nightmare meshed here, and how politics are personal--it rang very true to me.
- All About My Mother--Well, I bow down to Almodovar so I'm not sure I can speak to anything he does with an even remotely objective or skeptical eye. This film wasn't nearly as crisp as Bad Education or Volver, but extremely heartfelt with (as usual) some great female characters.
- Extras Season One--This is tv, but given my recent Gervais kick I decided to check it out. It's a lot more subtle and less uncomfortable then the Office but the humor is still plucky. I liked it, and I particularly like his use of movie stars (Ben Stiller was especially funny in the bit I saw).
I've got just one movie left to end my experiment with, and since it's a collection of Michel Gondry's videos it will officially end my movie streak. What can I say about the past two weeks? Movies are a love affair that will never end (unlike my online rental service).
Sad to see that your whirlwind film consumption is coming to an end, but seriously, who could keep up that kind of pace? Drinking and drug binges don't have the kind of staying power you've exhibited, and usually end in a more dramatic fashion. So well done.
I definitely need to see Half Nelson and complete my viewing of the Almodovar corpus. Love that man.
I too have ventured off into this movie rental online world thanks to Netflix. Is it just me or does your mind go completely blank when it comes to remembering which movies you've wanted to see?
Here's some of my recent flic pics: A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints, Flags of our Fathers, Half Nelson, United 93, The Guardian, 24 Season 5 & Borat.
I completely agree with you about Half Nelson. It was such a good movie that did not get enough support in the theaters. Did you watch the extras? The best is the sequence with Ryan giving all the thumbs up. Soundtrack is awesome too thanks to Broken Social Scene.
The Departed - I'd have to say one of Scorcese & Leo's best work.
Sadly you did see The Guardian up there. What can I say I was suckered in. It wasn't amazing nor horrible. Predictable? Oh definitely.
Up next: I'd like to try some of Almodovar movies, Children of Men, Bond: Casino Royale, Stranger Than Fiction, Little Children & The Queen.
Oh and if you wanna see a cute, quirky, funny romantic comedy I'd really recommend The Holiday. Its actually quite good. A subdued Jack Black and a witty Kate Winslet.
And of course see The Prestige (which I'm sure you both have) if not for the main factor of seeing the delicious Mr.Christan Bale.
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