
Farewell Weinstein...I thought I knew ye well?

Great little op-ed in the L.A. Times today about the creative demise of the Weinstein brothers, a.k.a. Harvey Weinstein a.k.a. the svengali behind every big Miramax Oscar campaign of the 90's. So, is he past his peak? Has he lost his ability to find the hidden gems inside the piles of cubic zirconia? I have to confess I had no idea he was behind many of the doozies that have come out recently (Grindhouse included) and I'm a little puzzled about how someone who "discovered" Fernando Merielles is also behind Hannibal Rising? It sounds like he's developing the media mogul disorder, which is also commonly referred to as Rupert Murdoch syndrome. Look people, just because you have enough money and clout to enter a lot of different media channels it doesn't mean you should or that you will succeed.
Ah, but this is a farewell so I turn to the best homage to Weinstein. I'd have to say it was the Entourage episode at Sundance where we get to see Harvey "Weingard" huff and puff his way around Park City crushing all of the Hollywood detrius that dares to cross his path (*I tried to find a clip of this on youtube, but to no avail...HBO pirates need to get on that*) By now Weinstein has been profiled to death so we know he's vicious, power hungry, and has a pretty impeccable eye when it comes to provocative films. So, I raise my glass of water to you Harvey--thanks for a decade of good movies and even better back lot intrigue.

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