

No one in the class seemed interested in taking up the taped review idea, but this clip of Ebert & Roeper reviewing Batman Begins is a great example of how that can work. Ebert spends the first part of the segment summarizing the film and naming the actors, then he and Roeper converse back and forth about what works in the film.

Christian Bale = Greatest. Batman. Ever. Discuss.


Anonymous said...

Now before I leave a comment I just want to say that BATMAN IS CONNECTED TO MY SOUL. By far, favorite superhero. Before I even knew this movie existed, when seeing the preview for the first time, i was able to identify the film as a Batman movie on the first frame. I was gripping my friend next to me yelling, "I know this, this is Batman, its Batman."

But yes. I agree. Bale is the best Batman ever, and although the movie has its flaws, (Batman doesn't hold hands!?), I think it was great. More of a pyscological thriller than a superhero movie. And Caine and Freeman as well, were amazing.

Nolan better sign on for a second one.

Anonymous said...

I loved it. It's definitely my favorite Batman

J said...

I wasn't a huge fan of this movie, but I think It was more my allegiance to the schmaltzy, stunty, special-effects ridden movies made back in the day.

After seeing V for Vendetta, I think I realized why: if you're a comic book movie trying to be much more meaningful than a movie about comic books, you may be taking yourself too seriously.

Anonymous said...

It's interesting what you say Jillian because what I love about this remake is how seriously it takes the figure of Batman. I mean the costume, batcave, etc. are silly but his frustration, anger, and goal of being a vigilante crime fighter feel real. I think this is all due to Nolan and Bale--two people so perfect for making this movie I can't believe someone didn't think of it ages ago. I also think it's really impressive to take an old and dying franchise and try to revitalize it.

Anonymous said...

Christian Bale: indeed, best Batman ever

and in a fight between super heroes, Batman wins... why? Because he's smart, his friends need more than a pair of glasses to fool him, and he can pull off bat ears.

As for "Batman Begins," it wasn't nearly as comedic as the other Batman movies, but it had its humor. More than that, though, it had depth and Christian Bale. I mean Morgan Freeman. I mean Michael Caine. I mean substance.