
In case you missed it...

...and many of you did. Today's attendance in class, was, shall we say, lackluster. So let me take this opportunity to give a shout out to those who kept Rekha and I company between the hours of 4 and 6. Mary, Shana, Matt, Stuart, Simon, and Tyler--props to you, yo. Sarah and Dan, partial credit will be awarded.

For those of you who missed class--some of you notified us of your absence, some of you didn't. But all of you missed dancing polar bears. Dancing polar bears. You can't even find that kind of thing in a David Blaine special. It's really a bummer for you. You'll have to live with disappointment.

In all seriousness, missing class is a problem. That's why showing up and getting your butts in the seats is one of the primary determinants in whether or not you pass this class. But you knew that...

Next week's class, while lacking polar bears, will be MANDATORY if you'd like to pass the class. Since final projects are due (along with any and all late assignments), you must show up to turn in your project. Bloggers, this applies to you too, even though you won't be physically turning in any work.

Keep blogging and posting, and we'll see you next time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Too bad... I hope the rest of us didn't miss the student evaluations for teachers and professors!!