
When viewing pleasure matters.

I got to wondering recently about where I do my movie watching, and how much of a difference it makes to a movie watcher when the theater aesthetics are pleasing. So, I'm attempting a statistical breakdown here (and since my math skills are weak and i didn't actually attempt to tally numbers) it's more of an estimate.

In the last 5 years when I believe my movie watching skills have been honed and I'm proud to say diversified this is what my location breakdown looks like:

  • Corporate Theaters (i.e. Cinemark, AMC, etc.) 45% Most of these experiences have been good although some have better stadium seating then others, and most often have been over-air conditioned. However, despite that I probably experience my greatest rates of falling asleep in a movie in these conditions. Most recently, Superman and Miami Vice have fallen into this trap. Greatest advantage here is the double feature, which I haven't done in a while but it is one of life's greatest pleasures.
  • Semi-Corporate Indie Theaters (i.e. Landmark, Greenway, and the Alamo Draft House) 12% Okay, these have usually been very good experiences in terms of the actual movie, but these venues suffer from half assed corporate ownership thus no stadium seating and often too hot or cold depending on season although in Houston I would say it's always hot outside and too cold inside. The falling asleep rate here is good...it rarely happens as I often initiate these outings, and thus feel obligated to committ to the movie.
  • Full on independent theaters (only two that I've ever been to--both in Northampton) 5% These have been very positive experiences both in content and quality of viewing, which is interesting given the lack of resources devoted to viewing pleasure (definitely no stadium seating, or air flow of any kind here). But, these places have charm and that counts for a lot. Plus, while I've encountered a few obnoxious audience members nothing too bad, and nothing compared to the crowds you get at option #1.
  • And finally--the home viewing experience, which I give an A+ despite some potential pitfalls. 27% So, there are obvious reasons that home is good...the snacks are better and cheaper, I can talk whenever I want and not feel bad about it, and of course the pause button is essential here. Also, the whole falling asleep thing is not as much of an issue nor is it as socially awkward if it happens (and by socially awkward i mean when you hit the deep rem sleep and deep breathing, sounds, etc. follow). Just for the record I rarely hit that stage of sleep in a movie, but it has happened.

As far as rating my favorite experience in all of these settings I'm not sure I can although I find option #1 is best suited for movies full of fluff or action. So for example, Batman Begins is as good as The Princess Diaries to me thanks to the giant theater. Option #2 is best suited for more serious movies that you're willing to drive a little farther for, and if ambience is a factor. So, for example I owe my love for Life Is Beautiful entirely to the River Oaks Landmark theater. As for option #3 it encompasses my most recent experiences of which there have been many, but I think seeing Head On at the Academy of Music was pretty awesome even if it was with a bunch of crazy German Studies academics. Option #4 really has too many memories to recount so, I won't, and instead I'll just say that I love all the places that I've seen movies in, and in the vein of my new statistically savvy self they've all made my life at least 80% better.

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